SIMS Parent
An essential part of our work together involves forming a strong partnership between students, home and school so that we can best support your child. A key aspect of this partnership is regular communication. We are using SIMS Parent, which is an online system, accessed either as a website via this link (www.sims-parent.co.uk) or a free app, as our method of communicating key information to you.
SIMS Parent is used to share with you the following information regarding your child:
- Daily attendance
- Daily behaviour and reward summary
- School report (end of term)
- Assessment scores (every half term)
- Homework set
- Timetable
- Activities attendance (after school clubs)
- Messages
- School calendar
Please note:
- Your account allows you to access each of your children at St Osmund’s School.
- When you complete this process you will need to use the same Third Party provider / method of logging in to SIMS Parent in future.
- As you use a Third Party account to access SIMS Parent, the school are unable to help you with your username and password. However, if you are unable to access your account entirely, please contact the school and we will assist you.
- Your activation email which you receive from noreply@sims.co.uk is unique to you and should not be used by anyone else. If you require an additional login then please contact the school to request an additional account, via the email below.
- The link in your activation email will expire after 90 days if it is not used.
Please contact our IT department using loginissues@stosmunds.wessex.ac if you require a further activation email, if your previous one has expired or any other queries regarding logging on the SIMS Parent.